White City Place recently welcomed local children’s charity Funpact to the Terrace Café for a course titled “Bridging the Gap”.
The charity says “parenting pre/teens is tough and whilst there are many books and courses about parenting, how about an opportunity to sit down WITH your child and learn and discuss the important aspects of growing up and becoming independent in a fun and interactive environment? This is exactly what has been happening every week in the terrace café at Westworks which is hosting this 6 week course run by Funpact, a local charity.”
Here are some of the things the cohort has said about the course so far:
“Coming to the course is the highlight of the week. I am looking forward to new revelations every week”
“I have learnt to see my child how he sees himself as well, I am still learning new things about him and it made me realise how much I don’t know”
Discover more here: https://www.funpact.org/