06 Mar 2023

Hqi Hosts 'sounds Like Hammersmith And Fulham' Workshops

White City Place resident HQI hosted the first two workshops with 'Sounds Like Hammersmith and Fulham (SLHF) participants', these workshops are part of the SLHF programme funded by a Cultural Impact Award through the Mayor of London’s Borough of Culture scheme.

The first workshop focused on the design of organic electronic rhythms with drummer and educator Sam Wade, and the second explored the use of Ableton Push and electronics for live performances with musical duo ASTRYD.

Both workshops were very engaging, insightful and participative, and HQI have received great feedback from the cohort so far who are really enthusiastic about the programme.

"Thank you to our partners Mayor of London and Hammersmith & Fulham Council, and our audiovisual sponsors Traction Sound, Terry Tew, Penn Elcom, White Cite Place and Netvio." - HQI